Tuesday 10 February 2009

Week 2

It has now been 2 weeks since I asked my sister a question regarding her beliefs and she still hasn't answered.

I had spoken to her a few days before hand and she agreed to listen to me regarding my research into the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower Society.

It is becoming very clear the this was a lie and part of the 'Theocratic Warfare Strategy'.

For those who do not understand Theocratic warfare, it is a system where lying is okay to those "Not entitled to the truth". Anyone JW's consider to be an enemy, they can lie to. It is usually followed by name calling and attempts to divert attention to anywhere other than themselves.

I will sit and wait until I get an answer. I have decided to not contact her so I cannot be accused of harassment or something silly. I have contacted her and been ignored but I am in no doubt that later on she will claim that her family has nothing to do with her when it is her who is removing herself from her family.

Monday 26 January 2009


After talking to my sister, she agreed to listen to what I had to say.

Since then I have asked her questions but never get a response.

I chatted to a family member who informed me that she immediately deleted my email if it contained anything religious.

I know she wouldn't look at aything 'apostate' so I only used the JW's own publcations and the bible. She still will not look.

If you agree to talk to someone and listen to their viewpoint but then fail to do so, that is lying. I understand 'Theocratic Warfare' but if any other religion donethis, JW's would be the first to condemn them and point out how lies come from the father of the lie.

Why do witnesses have to bury their heads and refuse to look at anything critical? Why are they so amazed that some people call the 'brainwashed'? When they knock on doors, anyone refusing to listen to their opinion is looked down upon as ignorant and 'blinded by Satan', but they are the ones refusing to look at ANYTHING other than their own publications. I have taken the time to study their religion in great detail an now know more than most witnesses do!

Their hypocritical nature very frustrating......